
This page contains links to various resources that may be useful for developing the capability to perform Replica Version Management code reviews.

This is the public facing repository for the internet computer protocol.  All details of the code reviews can be found in this repository.

This is a link to the dashboard, which is a very handy reference.  You can easily query any proposal that has been submitted to the NNS.  The link provided here is already filtered to show only the Governance, Replica Version Management, and SNS & Community Fund proposal topics.  It is also filtered to show 100 results per page instead of the default 10 results per page.

This is where you actually vote on proposals that are submitted ot the NNS dApp.  You could perform research using this app, but it is not as user friendly as the dashboard.

This is the category that is often used to propose and deliberate major changes to the internet computer protocol.  Higher quality reviews will often be enabled by knowing the background behind the changes that start on the forum.  The deliberation for these changes can start 2 - 18 months before they are actually submitted as changes to the ic replica.  DFINITY has also recently been making a forum post in the Governance category when new Bless Replica Version proposals are submitted.  This is a good place to ask questions to DFINITY during your review.

This is another forum category that sometimes has useful background information for replica reviews.  It is used a lot less than the Governance category, but it still has relevant information.

This is a portal that contains a lot of examples of ic replica reviews that fall into the Replica Version Management proposal topic.  The admin for the portal is a DFINITY employee who is passionate about encouraging community participation in code reviews.  A lot of useful information can be found here if you want to learn how to perform a review or see examples of reviews.  Some of the information is a little dated because DFINITY is actively making it easier for the community to perform replica reviews.  Specifically, the method to build the ic replic previoulsy required drunning docker on a virtual machine.  More recently the builder was changed to podman so it can run on WSL2, which makes it less complicated.

This is the portal for the CodeGov project where you can submit reviews, deliberate the proposals, and vote on the polls.

This realm on Taggr has included posts of people performing replica reviews in the past.