
The people listed below are on the CodeGov team.  The Followee configuration for the registered named neuron (2649066124191664356) can be verified by checking the dashboard for the latest Neuron Management proposal for each respective proposal topic.  

Topic 13: IC-OS Version Election - CodeGov follows our team members listed  below (proposal 130759)
Topic 8: System Canister Management - CodeGov follows our team members listed  below (proposal 131063)
Topic 4: Governance - CodeGov follows (NEW) (proposal 125005)
Topic 14: SNS & Neuron Fund - CodeGov follows (NEW) (proposal 125006)
Topic 0: All Topics Except Governance and SNS & Neuron Fund (aka Unspecified) - CodeGov follows (NEW) (proposal 125004)

Hence, the neuron votes on all proposals, but with a specialization in the IC-OS Version Election and the System Canister Management proposal topics.  We reserve the right to change our Followee selections on any proposal topic at any time according to what we believe is the best configuration of our known neuron.  We intentionally and actively manage our neuron Followees on every proposal topic in order to ensure the CodeGov neuron casts educated votes on every proposal submitted to the NNS.


Neuron ID: 118900764328536345
IC-OS Version Election
System Canister Management


Computer Science undergrad, hobbyist game dev and 8 Year Gang member, I've been a crypto enthusiast since 2016 and became actively involved with the Internet Computer shortly after Genesis. The vision, tech and team behind it made me fell in love with the project, since then I invested a lot of time (and money) on it, initially learning more about its inner workings then interacting with the community and as of recently starting an IC association in my university, it is my belief the Internet Computer is a diamond in the rough and I want to do my best to make it shine. 


Neuron ID: 12979846186887799326
IC-OS Version Election
System Canister Management


Active in the ICP community and on the developer forum.

Massimo Albarello

Neuron ID: 2692859404205778191
IC-OS Version Election


Master at ETH Zurich with a focus on distributed systems. Working on WebSockets for the Internet Computer:  Major contributor to Fast Internet Computer improved version of the IC Consensus algorithm reducing the latency of block finalization by approximately 30%.  Familiar with the IC codebase (consensus layer in particular).


Neuron ID: 16405079610149095765
IC-OS Version Election
System Canister Management


Active in the ICP community and on the developer forum.


Neuron ID: 16459595263909468577
IC-OS Version Election


Regularly performs code reviews for TAGGR; Passionate about decentralization, Web3 governance, software development in general

Hamish Peebles

Neuron ID: 6542438359604605534
IC-OS Version Election


Co-founder of OpenChat

Luca Bertelli

Neuron ID: 14998600334911702241
IC-OS Version Election


Working on WebSockets for the Internet Computer:  


Neuron ID: 739503821726316206
IC-OS Version Election
System Canister Management


Active in the ICP community and developer forum.

Nathan Mc Grath


Software engineer at Dfinity.  Decentralization enthusiast.



Cris, known in the Internet Computer Protocol (ICP) ecosystem as MntYetti, has been exploring the web3 space since 2020. Recently, Cris started his own consultancy focused on communication for web3 projects and branding, from designing logos to turning business visions into tangible concepts. With a blend of creative talent and strategic insight, Cris helps traditional businesses streamline their operations and plans to introduce blockchain solutions to further enhance their efficiency. 

Wenzel Bartlett


Founder for The CodeGov Project.  Manager for the neuron and voting member for the neuron.  Chemist by education; Analyzer Engineer by career.